China’s international visitors have increased to almost 27 million in 2013. China is set to become the first tourist destination with world’s largest number of visitors. Chinese citizens are also traveling abroad in increasing numbers, so it is vital that they take precautions and make preparations by following China travel guide.
Tips for China Travel Guide
- Practice your English before you leave on your trip abroad if traveling to an English Country. The same goes if you are traveling to a French or German speaking country as there lots of resources both offline and online.
- Make a detailed plan of your trip before you go
- Make sure you look into the local customs of the country you are traveling to
Tips for Travelers heading to China
- Try to break the language barrier by learning some key Chinese words and phrases. Purchase a Mandarin phrasebook before you travel to China
- Check the weather in China before you travel as you will need to make preparations before you go. Spring and Autume are the most comfortable seasons, but not in all parts of China
- Make an itinerary before you leave because China is a massive and diverse country with lots to see and do. China has some of the world’s highest mountains, largest cities, remote jungles and deserts and endless countryside.
- Enjoy the food! China has a wide array of food that differs from region to region. Experience the many flavors that are offered.
- Try to use public transport where possible. Experience China like the Chinese do as traffic in China has become horrendous.
General Travel Tips for all Travelers
- Health
- Safety
- Extra Safety Tips for Women
- Travel Insurance
- Transportation
- Customs
- Tipping & Etiquette
- Packing
- In developing and third world countries it is often wise to avoid raw vegetables, salads, unpeeled fruit, raw shellfish (clams, oysters, etc.), cream, ice cream, ice cubes and even undercooked or cold food, which can be contaminated. Freshly cooked foods are often safer.
- Try to avoid swimming, bathing and wading in freshwater streams and marshes as they often contain microbes that can make you sick. It pays to check with authorities to confirm that there is nothing dangerous in the water if you intend on swimming.
- See your doctor and check with a Travel Health advisory such as the Centers for Disease Control or the World Health Organization to see what shots you need for the country you are visiting. Remember to do the same for children who are traveling with you.
- It’s always a good precaution to have a full check-up prior to departure, including a dental check. A visit to an optician for an eye test is also advisable
- Check if it is ok to drink the water – if not, drinking bottled water or soft drinks. Make sure the bottles are not counterfeit.
- Try to acclimatize yourself slowly to changes in heat, environment and altitude.
- Always wear something that covers your feet as you might catch diseases such as ringworm or athletes foot.